Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free Electronic Recycling at IIT - March 31, 2012 - 9am-1pm

Americans accumulate 10 lbs of obsolete or unwanted electronics each year, and as of January 01, 2012, it is illegal to throw electronics in the garbage. To facilitate the safe and legal disposal of electronic waste by its faculty members, staff and students as well as members of the community, Illinois Institute of Technology will be hosting an electronic waste collection day on Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 9 AM to 1 PM on Wabash Ave, just north of 33rd Street (directly east of MTCC - the building which has the tube the 'L' runs through).

Bring the electronic devices you wish to dispose of including laptops/computers/tablets, televisions, cellphones/smart phones, printers, monitors, portable digital music players, video disc players/recorders, video game consoles, scanners, electronic mice, digital converter boxes, facsimile machines & keyboards. IIT is using the environmentally certified e-waste recycler
Universal Recycling Technologies Inc. (“URT”), who will ensure that all electronics are recycled locally in an environmentally responsible fashion. People are encouraged to walk, take public transit or drive to the event - quick drop and go parking will be available on Wabash north of 33rd St. Volunteers will be on hand to assist you.

This information was provide by
senator Mattie Hunter
State of Illinois

Although URT will take reasonable steps to wipe devices of personal information, the parties dropping off electronics should take such action as they deem appropriate to remove and wipe clean their personal information from the devices. IIT will not be undertaking any efforts to and assumes no liability for the disclosure of any personal information left on devices that are dropped off.
Where: Illinois Institute of Technology (Wabash/33rd)

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