Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Com Ed Chicago ONLY offering Ends May 31, 2011

Subject: Re: ComEd

Only for city dwellers.

If anyone is interested:

Com Ed is giving and installing free low-flow shower heads (bathroom), compact fluorescent bulbs (up to 10), and faucet aerators (bathroom & kitchen)
The # is 877.803.3674

It ends May 31st.

(P.S.) I called to verify the legitimacy, the stipulations are as follows:

You have to be both a com-ed and peoples gas customer and there are no income restrictions.

If you are an apartment/condo dweller, you have to have a seperate water heater tank in your unit or basement.

If you are building owner, you have to live in the building in order have your unit done and the water heater tanks have to be separate for all tenants.

Pass along:


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